
After making the decision to make a book I moved onto drawing the next lines of the poem, where a yeti comes to save the human figure. I wanted to use this opportunity to try to create my own version of a yeti, since yetis are a mythical creature. I started by finding lots of different versions of yetis, using various sources such as Dungeons and Dragons. I them took features from each of these to create my own yeti. Although I am pleased with the outcome, I didn’t use my time wisely when drawing the different yetis. I wasted time by colouring them, and making nice finished drawings. I did this because I just wanted to create something that I liked, because I still wasn’t feeling good about my art. I decided to just carry on with the project, in the hope that finishing the book would make me feel better.

The bottom drawing is me trying to figure out how to have the yeti dragging the human figure. I considered removing the human figure all together, because I felt that it would over complicate the drawing when it is in the page of the book. Ultimately this would have been a bad decision as it would take part of the story away from the audience, without the human figure being dragged why was the yeti there?


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