
I returned to the work I’d done previously in the project, and chose the subjects I wanted to try using in the stop motion animation. I knew I definitely wanted to use the eye as that symbol is what I was most pleased with from the previous work. Looking at all the other symbols I used I came up with my own little story inspired by the poem, rather than illustrating the poem exactly. I came up with an idea for the eye to blink, and turn into a dead bird that falls to the ground, multiplies, and gets swallowed by the forest fire.

The meaning of my made up story aligns with the poems meaning. Humanity is not only destroying the planet through global warming, but we are destroying our environment and livelihoods as well. The human eye turning into the bird is a metaphor for the fact that we will destroy ourselves, and become like the animals we are killing, if we don’t wake up and realise the destruction we are causing, and do something about it.

I made the story board short with not many characters on purpose. This was my first time doing stop motion animation, so I didn’t want to over complicate it.


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