Stop Motion Final

This is what ended up being the final piece for my project. I made the decision to add colour with watercolours, because I thought the animation needed some colour to really draw the attention of the viewer.

Overall I’m pretty happy with what I ended up doing for the project. This final animation is a bit rushed, which you can see from the not cut out paper on the birds feet, and the fact that it’s quite short. I do think I ended up conveying the message that I wanted to originally, but in a better way because it is actually my interpretation of the poem rather than an exact illustration of it.

I don’t think I actually executed this project to the brief too well, but I think that’s okay because I learnt so much in this project. I was feeling really bad about my art at the beginning, and was close to throwing the whole project away. I’m really glad I didn’t. I’ve learnt that it’s good to persevere, and it’s okay to make mistakes. It doesn’t mean a project is a dud, i just have to return to it with new eyes, and try something different.

I need to stop focusing on making nice looking art that I can be proud of. I’ve learnt with this project that when I focus on that, I actually make my worst work. I also really enjoyed learning the new technique of stop motion animation. I definitely want to try doing more animation, but I probably won’t do stop motion again. It was very time consuming and I didn’t enjoy making all the models. I think this would’ve been easier done digitally. Stop motion is quite an old fashioned technique, if done well it can be a stylistic choice. But here I just did it because it’s the animation technique I knew most about. I definitely want to explore different animation techniques in the future.


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