Kitsune Animation Final
I added the tori gate, and am pleased with how this looks, especially as I don’t have a scanner so had to take the best picture I could with my iPad. I had to rub out the excess paper digitally to try to merge the tori gate seemlessly with the animation, and I think this was successful although again very time consuming and something that I could have avoided with a scanner. I am pleased with how the flowers grow at the end, and I think it makes a nice end to the animation. I used a transforming tool in Procreate to make them sway as if I the wind at the end, because it looked strange and unnatural for them to just be static.
The audio used is from a video I took in Japan in Fushimi Inari shrine, which is where the kitsune (fox) statues are originally from. The audio is effective as it just gives the animation some atmosphere, and makes the audience focus on what they’re watching more than if the animation was silent. I chose to use ambient background noise rather than music because I want the animation to be the main focus.
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