Eri Griffin

Since I'd worked with ink in the previous project (Reading the Signs) I decided to take what I learnt and apply it at the beginning of the self directed project. After doing a couple of drawings I decided to do some more research into artists that work with ink, especially because the artist research I've done in the past relating to ink was specifically for drawing trees.
I came across Eri Griffin, who does draws a variety of different subjects with ink. I mostly looked at her animal and wildlife illustrations since I think this will be the most applicable to my project because most of the things I'm drawing are natural. When studying her work I noticed that her drawings are actually quite simple, with minimal brush strokes and little variation in tone. They are effective because each brush stroke is precise, whereas in my work the brush strokes are often messy and I don't think about each and every one. I want to try to slow down and think about each brush stroke, as I think this would help make it more obvious what my ink drawings are of. My ink drawings also become quite muddy because of the amount of ink I'm using, so if I was more precise the page would become less saturated, and less likely to turn into a mess. I could also do this by being more careful with how much ink I put on my brush.
Another technique I want to take from Eri Griffin is how much she varies the thickness of line. I think my work could benefit from small details done with a finer line. I will try using a nib in combination with a brush.


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