The Final Pieces

When I was happy with the design of the final pieces I created them on A3 with fine liner and watercolour. I am very pleased with both of the outcomes.

Since I had spent so long designing the pieces I pretty much knew exactly what the line work would be, so I am very happy with it. I did change the line work slightly because after looking back at both of the initial designs I decided to work on my quality of line, rather than just having the same thickness of line all the way around. This brought a nice variation of tone, and adds to some of the detailing to make it more delicate in the parts that aren't outline. I kept the cross hatching from the original pieces, but added water colour to add some vibrancy and colour. This made the images bolder and have a more tarot card feel to them. It also makes the subjects look more like separate elements, rather than when the drawing was just white the subjects blended together. This adds to the meaning from The Maypole Song, where each subject is important and the meaning behind the symbols can be considered separately. I chose to make the background yellow to match the medieval artist research. The original song has a pagan, old fashioned feel so I tried to match that by bringing in the medieval aspect.

The difference between the two pieces is the pattern of the snake. I did the bird one first, and upon reflection the cross hatching of the snake looks messy and doesn't match the design of the rest of the image. I changed this in the baby drawing, because I looked back at my sketchbook and drew the snake with scales like I had done previously. I'm annoyed that I didn't do this with the first snake, I didn't look at the previous sketches I had done and did the cross hatching as a quick way of adding detail. I should never rush through any of the elements of a final piece, even if I think they don't matter because even smallest parts of a finished outcome matters.

If I was to improve the final pieces I would take my time, and not rush to get to the end result. Because I did this some of the background has smudges of non yellow paint on it, and particles of dust that the paintbrush must have had on it. If I had taken care and time the end results would be more polished. Because of the semi messy result it doesn't do the actual drawings justice. Also I could further this project by doing another illustration from the song, as there are quite a few other elements I didn't explore.


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