Final Outcome- Analogue

Above is my analogue poster final outcome for the LTBL project. The top photo was one of my initial ideas. I knew that I wanted to play around with the light bulb motive, so I just printed quite a few of my photos and experimented with how I wanted to put the light bulb on them. I like the bold stencil, but I think it could be improved by doing another stencil with more detail/ outline on top. Also even though the light bulb works stenciled, I don't think the text works too well. Maybe if I printed it bigger, and in a different colour it would work better but I do want to make the poster informative, so I should make the text as bold and easy to read as possible.

The one below is what I have chosen to be my final outcome. I edited one of my photos into a light bulb shape and layered it on top of a different photo in photoshop. Again I could have thought through how I drew on top of it a little better, but I think the outline of the light bulb is effective, and helps make the shape more obvious. The style of the font definitely doesn't match this though.


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