First Animation Experiment
I used my phone on a phone tripod to take the photos. I wish I could’ve used my iPad as the photo quality would have been better, but I couldn’t figure out a way of propping it up and keeping it in the same place for every photo. The phone tripod is cheap and small, so I had to blue tack it to some boxes. This wasn’t stable so at one point it fell off, which is why the framing changes at one point. When I do the photos again I will take more care to make sure the tripod is secure.
Overall I think the experimentation is a success. I painted the trees bit by bit, and then put the photos in reverse order. The addition of the fire does make it look like the trees are burning down. I do think it would be better if this happened more slowly, so next time I will paint smaller bits of the trees at a time, and take more photos.
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